
Mythica: Stormbound

Created by Arrowstorm Entertainment

A brand new feature film in the world of Mythica, following the events of the original epic five-movie series.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Veterans Day! Free Movie for Veterans.
about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 02:34:23 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

New Sharing Competition AND new Mythica Bluray Add On
about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 02:34:18 PM

Hi Friends,

We have had several of you ask if they could get the previous 5 Mythica films on Bluray. Well, now you can! We added the Mythica Bluray 5-Pack as an ADD-ON here on Kickstarter, you can can go ahead and add that now. This is the ONLY PLACE IN THE WORLD you can buy Mythica Blurays, so get them while you can!


We had great success with the last sharing competition, and want to do it, with a different post, to really get the word out there.


2. You then need to SHARE this POST:

Share away, and we will be able to see who has shared, and then we will randomly select 5 of you to immediately send this hard-to-get 5 Bluray set. Great as a gift if you already have the Mythica films, or great to keep for yourself if you don't.

Each share equals one entry. Share it multiple times, and that's multiple entries (if you are going to do that, I suggest waiting a few hours between shares.)

Competition ends Friday night, 18th November, at midnight US Mountain Time. We'll draw the winners next Monday, and let you know.

Happy sharing!

Returning Cast Announcement - Matthew Mercer
about 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 03:55:18 AM

Exciting news, friends!

We've been hoping we could make this work, but didn't want to say anything until we were sure... but now the good word is in: our old friend, Matt Mercer (assuming we can work around his crazy Critical Role, Legend of Vox Machina, etc schedule - and we're confident we can!) will be briefly joining the fray, and reprising his role as Szorlok in Mythica: Stormbound

Now, we know that Szorlok was destroyed at the end of Mythica: The Godslayer, so what malice lives on... lingering... clinging to existence?

We couldn't be more excited! So tell your friends to come support this film, because we can't make this happen without you!


Matthew Mercer as Szorlok

New Mythica Series Trailer!
about 2 years ago – Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 08:29:12 AM

Hi Friends,

Well, we are approaching an incredible 45% of the way to success. A HUGE thank you to all of you who have backed the project, and who have shared it with friends. We cannot get this done without you support, so we are so grateful for your help.

Some of you may have friends who have no idea what Mythica is, and we want to help you share the love with them, so we have created a trailer highlighting what the story is all about.

Please share it with your friends, post it on your Facebook, email it, etc, etc.

Here's the link to copy:

Thanks so much. Have an awesome weekend!

666 Backers! Sharing Competition Winners Announced
about 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 10:51:53 AM


We've been stuck on 666 backers for like 2 hours, and it's starting to freak me out... Someone get a friend to back quick before evil takes us all! :) 

But really, I'm here to announce the winners of the sharing competition. Thanks for all of you who shared. The winners, in the random order they were drawn are:

Jacob Daniel Derrick

John F Gunn III

Craig Farrow

Jamie Fellrath

Herbert Eder

Dan Wong

Cindy Riel

Tracy Puckett

Richard Allen Novak

Wouter Vos

Congratulations to all our winners. You'll be receiving a 5 pack of Mythica DVDs.

Those are your Facebook names, which might not correspond to Kickstarter names, so please DM me here on Kickstarter with your name and shipping address, and we will get those DVDs out right away.

Thanks! Please keep sharing, and we will get another competition going shortly.